Currencies: Exchange Rate Calculator
- Canadian Dollar is now also available with Bank of Canada provider.
- New language: Persian
- The app supports all relevant currencies. You can choose between several official exchange rate providers:
- with over 30 currencies, provided by the European Central Bank
- OpenExchangerates contains over 160 currencies, with hourly updates
- InforEuro provides the European Commission’s official monthly accounting rates for the euro and over 150 corresponding conversion rates
- Bank of Canada provides about 23 currency rates of the Canadian Central Bank
- The Norwegian Central Bank "Norges Bank" lists some 40 exchange rates
- The Russian Central Bank "Bank Rossii" gives probably the most reliable data of exchange rates to Russian Ruble. Some 44 exchange rates are listed
- The UI is simple and pure Material 3 Design.
- Exchange rate history: Check out the chart for the past year, to see how the currencies have developed.
- Historical rates: You can use rates from prior dates.
- A major feature is the included calculator. Useful e.g. if you want to split up a restaurant bill.
- Fee calculator: optionally add a customizable foreign exchange fee to all calculations.
- Currencies is written for Android in Kotlin, targeting Android 13 and supporting light and dark themes.
- The app is ad-free and doesn't spy on the user.
This app has features you may not like. Learn more!
- Author: Maximilian Salomon
- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
- Issue Tracker
- Translation
- Source Code
- Changelog
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This version requires Android 8.0 or newer.
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This version requires Android 8.0 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
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